27 December 2023

On the occasion of Back to the 90s, the 90s-inspired that we launched with MeBo – Menabrea Botalla Museum last June, we reviewed the best musical hits of a magical decade. The refrain of You Learn (1995) by Canadian rockstar Alanis Morissette particularly remained in our minds: ‘You live, you learn / You love, you learn / You cry, you learn / You lose, you learn’. 2023, the year of rebirth after pandemic uncertainties, saw Fondazione FILA Museum protagonist of many different initiatives, characterized by the will to always learn something new.

For instance, we learned words such as Mixed Ability: sport is a mixture continuously evolving practices, and starting from this year we’re deeply focused on shared, inclusive dynamics. Last May we proudly took part in the Biellese edition of the Special Olympics, and for the Special Football prize-giving ceremony we couldn’t help involving Francesco ‘Ciccio’ Graziani, who was also the leader of a Football Academy that entertained boys and girls from all Italy last Summer. His approach is shared also by another Foundation Ambassador, Andrea ‘Lucky’ Lucchetta: last September the two led Wonnie in Giro: Bi-G, the third edition of our event devoted to outdoor sport, sociability and contact with the other.

We can also learn from the youngest of course! In 2023 our museum presented a program of educational activities, inspired by the FILA history and designed for various targets. The carnival disguises of Su la maschera! (‘Masks Up!’), the imaginary creatures of Pesci e conigli (‘Fishes and Bunnies’), the debates of Power Flower and La forma consapevole (‘The Conscious Form’), not to mention our Christmas Tree, projected and decorated with primary schools: in Fondazione FILA Museum we do everything together, in a continuous flux of giving and receiving.

Learning also means to discuss ourselves, to be in the game, to adapt to an endlessly changing reality. Starting from this year, our merchandising is no longer going to be produced without sustainability certifications: it’s something we have learnt from – among others – Italian sailor Giovanni Soldini, who launched the Around the Blue online platform last May, to highlight his commitment with ecology.

Last, but not least, we truly believe that true experience derives from collaborations: this is why 2023 was enhanced by a series of events in partnership with other business museums, from Biella and not only. We have already mentioned MeBo, but we also have Archivio Banca Sella, Fondazione Sella and Fondazione Zegna – longtime partners for many more adventures to come.

Goodbye 2023, and welcome 2024: we are ready to treasure all the new things we’re going to learn from you. You live, you learn.

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Born in Biella in the foothills of the ltalian Alps, WONNIE is a ski-loving white bear. Because he is from the snow­covered Alps, he is vulnerable to hot weather, and despite his size he has timid personality so he is always blushing. WONNIE is a gentle bear with heart of gold who easily find faults with himself even with small things but never blames others.