Educational activities
The educational programme
The FILA Museum Foundation embraces the concept of museum learning in a broad and transversal sense. The history of the brand is the starting point for experiences that take the visitor to multiple points of reflection. Inspired by wider themes such as sport, the evolution of fashion, reading images and archival practices, participants of all ages are led along thematic pathways that favour the acquisition of knowledge over outcomes.

Designers for a day

Which processes are involved in creating a garment or a fashion collection? How many professions are there? What do we mean by ‘uniform’?
After a brainstorming session focused on the aesthetics of FILA garments, the participants are invited to focus on a particular element. At the end, everyone will be invited to sketch a style that merges them all. The activity ends with a fashion show in the museum with accompanying music, allowing them to present their ideas creatively.
- Objectives: Introduction to glossary and dynamics of the fashion ecosystem; organisation of group work; translation of concept into a sketch
- Materials (provided by the organisation): A4 size sheets of paper, markers, coloured pencils
Beyond the frame

In 1978, Reinhold Messner climbed Mount Everest over four days, commemorating his feat with his famous analogue photograph. Today, digital tools allow us to take an abundance of high-quality photos every day. But what is a photo? And how much reality do we exclude from our non-stop photo-taking? Armed with coloured pencils, markers and creativity, we will use a frame to transform Everest into a magical world full of surprises that will broaden our perspectives and points of view. Because for those who love sport, imagination has no limits.
- Objectives: Introduction to the history of photography: development of artistic skills through freehand drawing
- Materials: A3 size sheets of paper, photographic images, markers, coloured pencils, scissors, magazines to cut out
The museum? A kick-ass post(o)

Adriano Panatta, Björn Borg, Evonne Goolagong, Marco Pantani, Giovanni Soldini, Nikki McCray, Ingemar Stenmark: FILA’s history is full of champions and stars of the sporting achievements featured in the museum. Most of them took place in a time before the appearance of social media, which by nature conveys the most current information and shapes contemporary language. What would happen if we reported the same events with a post on Instagram?
The workshop reflects on the potential of Instagram, one of the most popular and comprehensive of all social media. We emphasise that the wrong online content can give rise to cyberbullying, flames or hate speech, while the circulation of inappropriate images can also be harmful. We will come to understand how the right tone of voice combined with skilful content creation gives way to positive communication
- Objectives: Experience the museum through a physical/digital prism reflecting on the mindful use of social media: encouragement of creative writing and creative graphic skills
- Materials: A4 printed sheets of paper, pens, charcoal, coloured pencils, markers, scissors
The Gym Bag

A kit to deepen your knowledge of FILA history, anywhere, any time! The Gym Bag, our forever education project!
Here you will find a series of detailed activities. Download them, and broaden your knowledge of the brand creatively.
Get started now!